
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #14
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Sunday Jun 18, 2017
Ta-daaa! It's Britney Ever After, Bitch!
We take a break from reading from the binder of found *NSYNC fan fiction, and recap an important television event!
No, not the new season of Twin Peaks!
It’s Britney After After, the Lifetime biopic, starring Natasha Bassett as Britney Spears. As usual, Sacha accompanies on his keyboards!
Also in this episode: Maya Angelou's cookbook, the saddest Dunkin’ Donuts in all of the land, pizza in an s-shaped all-edges pan, parking backwards to make a quick getaway, not having the rights to play the songs, watching Britney Spears concert videos in the dental department of Sears, the ill-fated Britney song Chillin' With You ft. Jamie Lynn, condensing moments for clarity, the claymation version of Justin Timberlake, going to buy a Timbaland album but accidentally buying a Justin Timberlake album, reenacting Lynn Spears’ memoir, celebrity as illness, dark Disney and more!

Saturday Mar 18, 2017
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #13
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
In The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, we chronologically read aloud pages of one author's *NSYNC fan fiction, from a binder found at a thrift store. As usual, we question the author’s grammatical choices, enjoy irrelevant notes in the margins, all the while Sacha accompanies us on his keyboard.
In this Very Special Episode, Kelly (our narrator) and Joey Fatone continue to profess their love to each other while in New York. They shop while Justin Timberlake accompanies them for part of their day. Joey has a major, life-changing request in store for Kelly after a day of shopping. Later, he gives her his credit card. AND THEN HOLY SHIT, IT GETS REAL. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO HEAR WHAT WE MEAN.
We decided to blend coffee with alcohol with what Sacha dubbed “The NSYNC DRINK” aka “Fatone Olé”, made from 7-11 coffee, Jim Beam and Hershey’s Creamer. While drinking, we theorize that perhaps the entire binder was dictated to someone else who was writing it down, or that it is ALL TRUE, or that maybe, just maybe, it is the transcription of an oracle.
Also in this episode: similarities between “Take My Breath Away” and “The Golden Girls” theme; the argument whether it is better to eat Olive Garden breadsticks when they’re nice and hot or the opposite position, that it is better to just dump them in a bag and leave; the Wikipedia page for the movie “Glitter,”; Zazzle product making, confusing “Night Court” with “Law and Order” and much, much more!
Listeners, would you prefer us to perform it and score it later with the music, or do you like us doing the music on the spot? And would you prefer instead of doing it live we practice it and then perform it? Let us know the best way to procede! E-mail us to let us know caboosezine(at)gmail(dot)com!

Friday Nov 18, 2016
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #12
Friday Nov 18, 2016
Friday Nov 18, 2016
In Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction, we chronologically read aloud pages of one author's *NSYNC fan fiction, from a binder found at a thrift store.
This episode features Joey and Kelly arguing about who makes what noises in bed while trying to not disturb Justin Timberlake. And boy is he tired of Britney’s high maintenanceness. Russel Crowe is spotted at the deli!
The anonymous author’s handwriting is both praised and criticized, many ounces of coffee from Cafe Mustache are consummed, and most importantly, “Pop sensation” Sacha Mullin continues to do weird accents and sounds like he forgot English and then has relearned it specifically for this episode, while simultaneously skillfully accompanying on his piano.
Also not to be missed in this episode: bagels, singing melancholy songs in front of a bouncy house at an ice cream social, the Blue RIbbon Glee Club, hitting a G# by accident, Fuman Skeeto, putting both limes and lions in coconuts, mispronoucning words at integral moments, laughing so hard one puts one’s head down on the piano, donkey videos on Youtube, that SexyBack sounds like music from Mortal Combat, speculation that binder we’re reading from is actually the Necronomicon or maybe Marvel’s Darkhold book.

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #11: Entering Like a Gentle Breeze
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
The plot gets steamy as our secret lovers Kelly the Narrator and *NSYNC's Joey Fatone confess their true feelings to each other!
But the melodrama continues! The potential repercussions of their forbidden love mean that they are playing with fire! Enrique Iglesias songs are left on answering machines, significant others demand to be taken of speaker phone, confessions are confessed! All the while, the world's most popular boy band continues photoshoots and performances, as well as making plans to perform with Michael Jackson at the Garden.
Madison Square Garden or The Olive Garden? We don't know and we're not even sure the author knows.
We critique the author's writing style, try out new accents and call a phone number we find written in the margin of the page.
All this while we get amped on caffeine and Sacha accompanies with a variety of settings on his keyboard.
In Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction, we chronologically read aloud pages of one author's *NSYNC fan fiction, from a binder found at a thrift store in Chicago. We have not read ahead, so you're experiencing each page with us IN REAL TIME.
Subscribe to us on i-tunes by clicking here or listen here on podbean by streaming below.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #10: Awards & Arguments
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Melodrama ensues as the protagonist Kelly ends up back with Joey Fatone, after David kicks her out, when he realizes something is brewing as she continues her life on the road with *NSYNC. The rest of the band is thrilled to have Kelly back on the scene. At a steamy post-show dance club, Kelly and Joey flirt with each other. Cameo appearances include Blink 182 and Jeremy Piven (what?!).
As always, *NSYNC continues to win awards.
We make shitty wine spritzers with Mad Housewive wine and club soda.
Sacha accompanies with a variety of settings on his keyboard including, inadvertantly, a harpsichord.
And, as usual, we overview and speculate with a post-reading selection analysis.
In Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction, we chronologically read aloud pages of one author's *NSYNC fan fiction, from a binder found at a thrift store in Chicago. We have not read ahead, so you're experiencing each page with us IN REAL TIME.
Subscribe to us on i-tunes by clicking here or listen here on podbean by streaming below.

Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
The Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction Radio Hour, Episode #9: Lost & Found
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015

Subscribe to us on i-tunes by clicking here or listen here on podbean by streaming below.

Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction #8 (A Ray of Blight Mini-Episode)
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
Thursday Sep 03, 2015
We drink crappy orangello and do random accents while reading about our female narrator's adventures with Joey Fatone from *NSYNC! This episode: girls fawn over the band, crying, screaming and requesting kisses for two hours. Then it's time for an awards show! At a party afterwards, Sarah Michelle Gellar gives the narrator advice. Plus, limos and champagne!
A note: Our narrator may or may not be named Kelly. Kelly is also the name of the woman she is supposed to be posing as, which is NOT CONFUSING IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER AND WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?

Saturday Mar 28, 2015
Found *NSYNC Fan Fiction #7 (A Ray of Blight Mini-Episode)
Saturday Mar 28, 2015
Saturday Mar 28, 2015

Subscribe to us on i-tunes here.

Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Ray of Blight #6 Celebrity Cooking
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
An investigation into when celebrities have no business sharing their food expertise do so anyway.
A small sampling of relevant subtopics in Ray of Blight #6 Celebrity Cooking: Cheeto Casserole * Recipes from a Bygone Era: Tuna + Egg * Phyllis DIller's Chicken Maui * American food sentiment: Ketchup, Sauce, Heat and Alcohol * Sacha's Theory: Everyone Has a Chicken Dish * ghost cookbook writers * cookbooks in the style of a fictional persona * married vs hitched * cracking an egg badly and spreading the mess to a wider surface area * falling asleep with a half eaten cookie * the superiority of shredded cheese* the part of the grocery store that's like Epcot Center * British Celebrity Chefs * The Beverly Hillbillies * judgment of Sacha's messy walk-in pantry, and much, much more.
…Plus, we make Irene Ryan's Spicy Corn Bread, and it's delicious. It should be. There's an entire stick of butter in there.

Thursday Oct 23, 2014
*NSYNC Fan Fiction #6 (A Ray of Blight Mini-Episode)
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Thursday Oct 23, 2014